Anniversary – the meaning of it all
Today my husband and I celebrated our one-year
anniversary. We celebrated by going to
the first round of the 2012 Masters tournament in Augusta, GA. Thanks to work for a fun way to spend the
day. It was a beautiful, sunny, southern
As the day came to a close I had to
get back into the swing of work before he even left my side. It was unfortunate that the end of our
anniversary wasn’t spent lovingly in each others arms (we’re married, I can
say that :))–
it was spent at a McDonald's near the bus station. It was a wonderful day but at the end of it
all, it got me thinking about the meaning of an anniversary. It lead to some reflection on the past year. I know that God has blessed me with such an incredible
man. I used today to look at him and the
man he has become just in this past year.
Ladies, when God says that the man is supposed to be the
head of the household – he means it.
Also, if you pray for your husband or future husband to become the
spiritual head of the household, have faith!
God is a good and gracious God who answers prayers. At church on Sunday I heard the Pastor say, “We
pray prayers to God and when he answers them we say ‘Unbelievable! I can’t believe
he answered that prayer!’” In our very
beings we doubt God’s ability to answer the very prayers we pray!
1 John 5:14-15 "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him."
Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened."
Matthew 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
All my life I have prayed for a man that would take up his
cross and lead our family. I now have
that man! I really say this to give you hopes that God can do wonderful things
and great work within a short time period.
I am not saying that my husband was not a good Christian before, he
was. Now he is just an even better and
more motivated Son of God!
The next time you look at your husband, I challenge you to
look at him through God’s eyes. Try to
see the incredible work of art that God is constantly changing and evolving in
front of your eyes. Remember how lucky
you are to be a part of this man’s life and remember what a blessing he is to
yours. My prayer is not that women just
see their men as their own but my prayer is that women see “their” men as gifts
from God, on loan. On loan for the
duration of our lives on this earth – til death do you part. See the incredible person that God has been,
and is, creating for you and don’t take it for granted. Remember that he is not only molding this man
to be more like him on this earth, he is molding this man for an eternity in
Heaven!! What a powerful thought?!
Praise God for honorable, courageous, humble Christian
men. I love you babe.
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