Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Heart of a Man

Male nesting in our household has taken the form of lots of planning for lots of work.  Jake has decided to take on a second part-time job in order to better plan for the future and potentially secure a stable income down the road.  On top of this, God has not only provided the opportunity to bid on a few jobs but those bids have been accepted and Upper Level’s schedule is filling quickly.

Three years ago when we made the decision to begin Upper Level Construction it was with the full faith and understanding that God will provide for us each step of the way and He so faithfully has.  We saw the path that God put before us and regardless of how nerve-wracking it was as newlyweds to commit to starting our own business we took a leap of faith and committed our business, just like our marriage, to serving God’s purposes.

Female nesting on the other hand has taken form or worry (pregnancy worry is the worst) but to stay relevant to this post my current worry is that with all of this work, the second job, our own home projects, and social events this summer, mama and papa over here won’t get to spend very much time with one another.  

My husband is the hardest worker I have ever met in my entire life.  He wakes up early every day and not only makes the coffee and takes care of the dog, he always manages to have five minutes to watch some of the news.  Then he goes on to a full day working construction and is actively on the job for 8 to 10 hours.  On most days after work he is helping a family member with a project or helping a friend. 

Knowing his work ethic, determination and new-found desire to “nest” and prepare financially for our child, I’m concerned that he will wear himself out but then I remembered the heart of the man I married during a conversation tonight.

He went to help out our 75 year old neighbor insulate some of her windows and refused to accept payment for a favor that took him 10 minutes so he came home with homemade cinnamon rolls as his payment.  On the ride home from small group today, admittedly getting tense about all of the upcoming obligations he has and worrying about being forgotten, he mentions that he spent 45 minutes talking with our neighbor.  The two of them talked about their faith, raising children, me, my hobbies and even my blog.  He spent 45 minutes sharing our life and discussing our faith with our neighbor and as he was telling his story, I remember what I love most about him.

While all of this work and these obligations make me worry that our relationship or our family will go by the wayside, God gently reminded me of the heart that my husband has.  He has a heart for others but most importantly, he has a heart for the Lord and a heart for me. 

Tonight I have to say that I am so grateful that three years after we are married God gives me the privilege to witness the man of God my husband is and continues to become. 

You see there are some people that don’t feel that faith plays a big part in marriage but I wholeheartedly disagree.  My husband is not just a good man or a hard worker; he is a man of God and has a servant’s heart.  In the moments or in the times that I feel insecure in my marriage because of this reason or that, I am able to release those insecurities to the Lord and trust in the man that He has created.  Knowing that God is the leader of my husband’s heart and the head of our household, I can move forward in confidence and faith without concern. 

God has given Jake these opportunities and not only will Jake do his best to fulfill his commitments, he will take 45 minutes out of his day to talk to a widow who needs a friendly visit and also spend an hour having dinner visiting with my mom and I after she gets back from a trip.  I’m so blessed by him. 

Wives, I challenge you to push away those cobwebs of worry and remember the heart of the man you married.  If remembering the heart of the man you married doesn’t give you comfort, trust God with the heart of the man you married.  His loves never fails and with His strength our husbands can do all things in Christ, which includes being loving husbands, present fathers, and good stewards. 

Tonight I’m grateful for the heart of my man and will continue to pray that God uses Jake’s heart in ways that honor Him. 

Philippians 2:3-5
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. 

Psalm 1:1-4
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.  In all that he does, he prospers. 

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