Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Business Travel: A Getaway with God

I am currently sitting in seat 8A on my flight to Washington D.C.  This is not my first trip to D.C., in fact, I’ve traveled to D.C. once or twice a quarter for the past three years.  The difference in this trip is that it is my first business trip after having a baby.

I admit that after I gave Jake a hug and kiss and Camden a squeeze and a kiss good-bye I teared up walking out the door.  This time is different.  It tugs my heartstrings that I won’t be there the next couple of nights to tuck Camden in to bed or sleep with my husband by my side.

In an effort to stay positive, I am determined to not let the requirement of travel in my job ruin my perspective of everything.  Instead, I am trying to embrace this as an opportunity for God to teach me more about Him and me as an individual since I’ve had a baby. 

Before going back to work I came to terms with the fact that I am a working mom and in order for me to accomplish things like paying our mortgage or paying off student loans this season is necessary in my life.  Jake and I both agree on what our priorities are for the next few years financially and my job is a blessing and helps us reach those goals.  In turn I have to be away from my husband and my son because of work obligations. 

In the few hours since I left the house and got to the airport, God already revealed some blessings that come out of leaving my boys for a little while.  For example, it is an incredible blessing that I have full faith and confidence in my husband as a dad.  I know that while I am away, Camden couldn’t be in better care.  I was also able to take the time during my drive to the airport to listen to podcasts and hear sound advice from experts on how to pursue passion in my marriage and date my spouse.  My mind is now reeling with ideas on how to make Valentines Day special for Jake and usually Valentines Day is not a big thing for us.

I believe in my heart that although I am away on business and my attention will be on my work agenda, I can use this time to pursue one-on-one time with the Lord.  Being away from the things that command my attention most, gives me the chance to be present with the Lord and open my heart to His voice.  When God has my full attention and I listen to His voice, there is a positive effect on every aspect of my life.  Instead of looking at this as a work trip, I’m looking at is as a get-away with God.

Today, seat 8A is where God has placed me at this season in my life.  I know that I am supposed to work right now.  I trust that if our family is supposed to go a different direction or my career is supposed to change God will let me know that in His time.   I am going to look at my experiences both professionally and personally as opportunities to see God work in my life and allow Him to reveal things to me that will make me a better woman of God, better wife and better mom.  My eyes, ears and heart are open to being present in this season and embracing life as it is right now, business travel and all!

I look forward to the rest of my getaway with God and I’ll let you know how it goes!  I’m excited to see what God has in store for us these next couple of days!

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